174 research outputs found

    Selected Problems of Determining Critical Loads in Sructures with Stable Post-Critical Behaviour.

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    This paper presents selected cases of inapplicability of theory based methods of determining critical loads in thin – walled, composite tubes. 8th layered composite tubes with square cross-section were being subjected to static compression and in order to register experimental data two measuring equipment were employed: strain-gauges and Digital Image Correlation system ARAMIS R ⃝ . When measurement data were collected five different theory based methods were applied in order to determine critical loads. Cases where it was impossible to apply certain methods or some doubts about correctness of the results occurred were presented and analyzed. Moreover in cases where it was possible, the theory was equivalently transformed, in such a way to fit experimental data and calculate the critical loads

    A strengthening of the Katětov-Tong insertion theorem

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    summary:Normal spaces are characterized in terms of an insertion type theorem, which implies the Katětov-Tong theorem. The proof actually provides a simple necessary and sufficient condition for the insertion of an ordered pair of lower and upper semicontinuous functions between two comparable real-valued functions. As a consequence of the latter, we obtain a characterization of completely normal spaces by real-valued functions

    Systemy okresowej oceny pracowniczej w przedsiębiorstwach usługowych

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    Prezentowana publikacja „Wybrane problemy zarządzania i finansów - studia przypadków” zawiera 14 studiów przypadku (case study) z zarządzania i finansów. Studium przypadku jest to opis badanego obiektu (zjawiska, procesów) w określonych warunkach, miejscu i czasie. Współcześnie jedną z głównych metod wykorzystywanych w naukach o zarządzaniu jest właśnie metoda case study, a w USA i Wielkiej Brytanii jest to metoda wręcz dominująca. Polega ona na analizowaniu i omawianiu prawdziwych (lub prawdopodobnych) sytuacji, uczy podejmowania decyzji gospodarczych w konkretnych uwarunkowaniach i konsekwencji tych decyzji dla przedsiębiorstwa. Głównym celem stawianym publikacji jest uzupełnienie luki na rynku wydawniczym w zakresie zwartych pozycji zawierających studia przypadków z obszaru nauk o zarządzaniu i finansach. W literaturze fachowej możemy spotkać się tylko z kilkoma publikacjami o zasięgu ogólnokrajowym, a także z nielicznymi publikacjami wydanymi przez wydawnictwa o zasięgu lokalnym przed prawie dziesięcioma laty. Zaprezentowane przypadki można pogrupować według problemów, jakich dotyczą. Pierwsza grupa odnosi się do zagadnień zarządzania strategicznego i marketingowego. Kolejne dotyczą zarządzania i rachunkowości w przedsiębiorstwie. Następna grupa omawia problemy zarządzania personelem, a ostatnia koncentruje się na problemach zarządzania miastem, regionem i w administracji publicznej. Autorzy wyrażają przekonanie, że prezentowana publikacja, zawierająca studia przypadków opisujące rzeczywiste sytuacje gospodarcze i przedsiębiorstwa, będzie wykorzystywana w procesie nauczania w wyższych szkołach w Polsce na kierunkach ekonomicznych i zarządzania

    Numerical Model of CAI Test for Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Plate.

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    This article presents numerical simulations of laminates subjected to Compression After Impact (CAI) testing including delamination modelling. Different model of impact damages of laminate were considered. Progressive damage analysis have been employed and different failure criteria have been applied. For each simulation failure load has been estimated as same as the position of damages at destroyed layer. Finally, obtained numerical results were compared with experimental data from referential paper

    A new approach to dynamic buckling load estimation for plate structures

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    Dynamic response of thin-walled girders subjected to combined load

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    Carbon Ion Radiotherapy - Advantages, Technical Aspects and Perspectives

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    Carbon ion radiotherapy is a groundbreaking method of treatment radioresistant tumors situated close to critical organs. The article presents the physical basis of carbon ion therapy, methods of generation and acceleration of heavy ions, systems of forming and exact positioning of the therapeutic beam. Intensity modulated particle therapy and raster scanning technique allow optimum compatibility between the irradiated volume and target volume. By dint of such methods minimum exposure of critical structures is possible. An important aspect of the treatment process is the monitoring of patient's position during the irradiation. It is possible by means of the modern imaging techniques such as PET-CT. Increase of the availability of heavy ion therapy and its development are big challenges for the physicists of the most prestigious research centers in the world

    The role of antenatal education as a prevention of emerging disorders during pregnancy

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    Introduction. The presented work is the result of a literature`s studies in the field of feeding pregnant women and experimental analysis on their knowledge and health behaviors. The study highlighted the importance of preventive actions by medical staff and school instructors in giving birth to the education of future mothers. The aim of the study was to determine the knowledge of pregnant women about the principles of proper nutrition. The analysis verified the ability to use the obtained data in the daily life of the respondents. Materials and method. The research group consisted of 101 pregnant women, including 51 patients from one of the Poznan`s Hospitals of Gynecological and Obstetrics Department and 50 participants of Birth School in the same city. The research tool was an authoritative questionnaire that included questions about the knowledge of pregnant women about the impact of a rational diet for a developing fetus. Results. On the basis of the data obtained it can be stated that students of childbirth schools were more willing and more likely to undertake pro-health activities than those who were never participants in such courses. The effectiveness of knowledge transfer by professionals is an important element of prevention of disorders during pregnancy. In educational programs, emphasis should be placed on the practical application of the acquired knowledge. Conclusions. The future mother should have clearly defined goals and principles in the rush of all the information. Thanks to them she will be able to consciously and without risk of complications as a result of bad eating habits, survive the period of nine consecutive months and enjoy the correct course of pregnancy and its completion

    On Internal Characterizations of CompletelyL-Regular Spaces

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    AbstractCompleteL-regularity is internally characterized in terms of separating chains of openL-sets. A possible characterization in terms of normal and separating families of closedL-sets is discussed and it is shown that spaces admitting such families are completelyL-regular. The question of whether the converse holds true remains open. Some partial solutions are however given, e.g. in the class of countably compact spaces